Yesterday, it took someone 4 hours and 40 minutes to work 10 million FCFA. Yes, that's how long it took Usheni Hassan to reach the top of Mount Fako and return to the Molyko stadium in the 30th Edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope. Ngalim Lizette won the gold medal in the women's category, finishing in 5 hours and 20 minutes. Isn't that incredible?
I thought to myself, "Saturday isn't an official working day for me. Why didn't I sign up for this race? I could have used my free time and who knows, maybe I could have won 10 million FCFA". But here I am, watching others make millions. Anyway, that's one side of the story, and the lesson there is to diversify your income. You can always make time to earn extra money.
My main focus here is the fact that one man will use 4 hours to make money that others will work years to make. At least that's how it seems. If I am serious about winning this 10 million FCFA next year, then I will have to change my life now. I will have to work on my diet, join a gym, hire a trainer, build up my resistance and physique, and since I am in Buea, do test runs up and down the mountain at least 20 times.
What's my point?
It didn't take Usheni 4 hours to win 10 million. It took him months and months of hard work. His first run was in 2017. That's 8 years of hard work, discipline, failures and training. Those 4 hours are the result of a much longer and tedious process that we don't see on TV.
There is no overnight success. For every success story you see, there is a process that led to that moment of glory. Many of you have dreams. Some dream of being great statesmen, great lawyers, successful businessmen, great men of God, the best cooks or even great parents. If you are going to make that dream come true, you have to start practising now.
When Lizette was interviewed, she mentioned consistency as one of her greatest strengths. If she won 10 million FCFA, it's because she didn't just dream about it, she worked out what she needed to do and stuck to it. Years and months went by, and boom, the dream came true in just 5 hours.

Success is not reserved for a few people; it is the result of hard work, dedication, discipline and the relentless chasing of your dreams. Whatever your dream, remember that every small step you take today is a building block for your future success.
So start now.
Set your goals, make a plan and stay committed. You may not see results right away, but trust the process. As Usheni Hassan and Ngalim Lizette have shown us, with perseverance and consistency, your dreams are within reach.